Jan 30, 2012

monday collage


Jennifer Sarkilahti je prava inspiracija. Pored toga što živi u stanu "to die for", kreira i nakit Odette čije su  jednostavne forme inspirisane prirodom. Ogrlice, minđuše, narukvice, diskretne i nežne, sadrže u sebi i tu divlju notu u vidu nepravilnih površina i reljefa.

A što se tiče njenog stana, gledam te fotke i zamišljam svoj idealan kutak. Drvo i bele površine, kombinacija koja prosto ne može da omane. + čarobni neobični detalji, predmeti koje su prikupljali ona i njen muž na mnogim putovanjima.


Editorijal Innocentia. By Susanne Bisovsky.

 + iz istog austrijskog kreativnog studija Atelier Olschinsky, editorijal Chaos-Theorie. Bogatstvo detalja, zlatnih niti...speachless.

 Ooovaaaa knjiga iz 1837. 
Album du Moyen Age by calligrapher, writer, and miniaturist Jean Midolle, The Warnock Library. Auh! 

"Though the first piece in this portfolio is a title page reading “Album du Moyen Age” it exists simply as an original work of art, either for a patron or as a demonstration of his skills. The large range of Midolle’s artistry is apparent in this album, where swathes of heavily laid silver and gold highlight every type of large to near-microscopic calligraphy and paintings, borders, and portraits. In addition to the prayers and religious themes that the binding title suggests, are historic scenes of Joan of Arc, Lady Jane Gray, Cardinal Richelieu, and kings of England and France, all with multicolored calligraphed quotations in a variety of scripts arranged on the pages in fantastic compositions."

Paintings by Chris Lewis

Film "Eva" španskog režisera Kike Maíllo planiram za naredni filmski maraton prvenstveno zbog uvodne špice. 
"'Eva' is a retrofuturistic sci-fi thriller in which Alex, a young scientist, returns to the town where he grew up to complete an unfinished project and create a boy robot...We were very inspired by the whole aesthetical universe of the film: the snow, the vintage laboratories, the old machinery... and we tried to put all this together in the titles so that they would slowly introduce the viewers to the world of 'Eva'."

Jan 29, 2012

sunday seance

•   scenes & melodies   •





Jan 27, 2012

handmade portraits

"Oopsy daisy!"
Ovaj post je poranio, bez mog znanja :) Hoće to kada se nagomila toliko obaveza da više ne znam gde udaram. Hvala Jovani na obaveštenju! Nadam se da je sada sve ok. My bad.

Sooo where were we..Ah da. S' obzirom da mi je poseta Etsy-u prerasla u ritual (a planiram i da se uskoro pridružim crafting zajednici) rešila sam da sa vama podelim moje favorite, a i ovo je praktično samo nastavak priče o kreativnim ljudima.


natural children's wear and accessories for grownups

unique handmade geometric jewelry inspired by nature 

Teva Gallery
watercolour paintings and illustrations

Nicola Clare

unique lighting pendant lamps wall sconces and more

soft furnishings

• • •


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