Jan 26, 2013

Plastic Eden

an Italian-born artist who lives and works in New York and Sicily, uses mass media images hidden in decorative pattern to point to a darker subtext. In New World, hunting decoys and motion-activated toy birds are nestled amidst a flourishing vine of hybridized Audubon illustrations, providing a tongue-in-cheek commentary on how technological interventions have diluted mankind's experience of nature.




At first the onlooker is distracted by the refined pattern, pleasing in its exterior appearance, thanks to how the reiteration of the image triggers a process of content remotion. Then his attention is attracted to the single images – scenes of war, queuing refugees, explosions, bombed-out areas, landscapes destroyed by natural disasters – cleverly orchestrated together with the decorative elements. Understanding the work is a gradual process, the identification of a linguistic code through its message, a metaphor of how we perceive the world and its fictitious representation, of our habit of accepting the news as represented by the media, of the inability to separate good from evil, truth from fiction, the true from the plausible.



A corrupted landscape is staged, composed of historical representations of land and plants mixed up with plastic decoys animals and images of garbage.
Nature, disfigured by the exploitation of natural resources, trampled by genetic modifications in the name of industrialization and progress, rebels and regenerates itself, following a new model. (link)


Mother of Pearl by Maia Norman is an innovative clothing label that blends art with fashion. The labels Spring/Summer 2013 collection features work by Italian artist Francesco Simeti (read the interview with Maya's Head Designer, Amy Powney).

Jan 22, 2013

Giveaway #4!

Marinush u saradnji sa Hedonist Factory blogom 
organizuje 4. po redu GIVEAWAY!

Sve što je potrebno da uradite da biste učestvovali je sledeće:
1. Like Marinush jewelry;
2. Like Hedonist Factory;
3. Share-ujete fotku na svom profilu;
4. i OBAVEZNO ostavite komentar na samoj fotografiji kako bismo
dodelili redni broj koji će Mr. RandomNumberGenerator izvući na kraju giveaway-a!
5. ...i to bi bilo to! Srećno!

* dimenzije ogrlice : ~11x5cm *

Giveaway traje do 23.01.2013. do 20h, kada ćemo izvući dobitnika/cu ;)

Jan 19, 2013

I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

I'm late, I'm late for
A very important date.
No time to say hello, good-bye,
I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

RABBIT from Alice in Wonderland NECKLACE



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